Top 15 Narcissist Traits in Males: Are You Dealing with a Narcissist?

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Narcissist Traits in Males, Narcissism in males, Signs of male narcissism

The term “narcissism” is used frequently, but knowing the distinct characteristics and actions linked to it might help you determine whether the person you are interacting with is a narcissist, especially among men. The top 15 Narcissist Traits in Males will be covered in this article, along with identifying telltale indicators of male narcissism and advice on how to deal with them.

Understanding Narcissism in Males

Narcissism is characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. These traits can be particularly pronounced in males, manifesting in unique ways due to societal expectations and gender norms.

Top 15 Narcissist Traits in Males

1. Exaggerated Sense of Self-Importance

A common trait among narcissistic males is an exaggerated sense of self-importance. They often believe they are superior to others and expect to be recognized as such without achievements that warrant it. This delusion of grandeur can manifest in various aspects of life, from professional settings to personal relationships.

  • Example: A male narcissist might frequently boast about his accomplishments, even if they are minor or exaggerated, and expect constant admiration and validation from those around him.

2. Need for Excessive Admiration

Narcissistic males have an insatiable need for admiration. They crave constant attention and validation to sustain their fragile self-esteem. This need often leads them to manipulate situations and people to keep the spotlight on themselves.

  • Example: A narcissistic male might monopolize conversations, always steering them back to his achievements and seeking praise for even the smallest of actions.

3. Sense of Entitlement

A strong sense of entitlement is another hallmark of male narcissism. They believe they deserve special treatment and are often shocked and angered when they do not receive it. This sense of entitlement can cause friction in both personal and professional relationships.

  • Example: Unwavering loyalty and extra work may be demanded by a narcissistic boss without proper reward or recognition in exchange.

4. Lack of Empathy

One of the most damaging traits of narcissistic males is their lack of empathy. They have difficulty understanding and sharing the feelings of others, often leading to insensitivity and callousness in their interactions.

  • Example: If a friend is going through a tough time, a narcissistic male might dismiss their feelings or even blame them for their situation, showing little to no emotional support.

5. Manipulative Behavior

Narcissistic males are often skilled manipulators. They use charm, flattery, and deceit to achieve their goals, often at the expense of others. This manipulative behavior can be subtle and insidious, making it hard to recognize and address.

  • Example: A narcissistic male might use guilt-tripping or gaslighting to control a partner or colleague, creating a toxic dynamic that benefits him.

6. Preoccupation with Fantasies of Unlimited Success, Power, or Beauty

Narcissistic males often live in a fantasy world where they imagine themselves as supremely successful, powerful, or beautiful. These fantasies can be so compelling that they lose touch with reality, making it difficult for them to engage in productive, real-world activities.

  • Example: A narcissistic individual might spend excessive time and resources on schemes to get rich quickly, neglecting realistic career or financial planning.

7. Arrogance and Haughty Behaviors

Arrogance and haughty behaviors are typical in narcissistic males. They often talk down to others and act as if they are better than everyone else, creating an environment of hostility and resentment.

  • Example: A narcissistic male might openly belittle a coworker’s contributions in a team meeting, undermining their confidence and credibility.

8. Exploitation of Others

Narcissistic males often exploit others to achieve their own ends. They see people as tools to be used rather than individuals with their own needs and rights. This exploitation can be financial, emotional, or social.

  • Example: A narcissistic man might take advantage of a friend’s generosity without ever reciprocating, always finding excuses for why he cannot return the favor.

9. Intense Envy or Belief That Others Are Envious of Them

Narcissistic males frequently experience intense envy toward others or believe that others are envious of them. This envy can drive destructive behaviors and create a constant sense of dissatisfaction and rivalry.

  • Example: A narcissistic colleague might sabotage a coworker’s project out of jealousy, believing that they deserve the success instead.

10. Boundary Violations

Narcissistic males often have little regard for personal boundaries. They invade others’ privacy, push limits, and disregard the personal space and comfort of those around them.

  • Example: A narcissistic individual might read a partner’s private messages or emails without permission, justifying it as a right to know everything about them.

11. Excessive Sensitivity to Criticism

Despite their outward arrogance, narcissistic males are extremely sensitive to criticism. Any perceived slight or criticism can provoke intense defensiveness, anger, or even vindictive behavior.

  • Example: A narcissistic male might react explosively to constructive feedback at work, perceiving it as a personal attack and attempting to discredit the critic.

12. Difficulty in Sustaining Long-Term Relationships

The traits of male narcissism often lead to difficulties in maintaining long-term relationships. Their self-centered behavior, lack of empathy, and manipulative tactics can drive away friends, partners, and colleagues over time.

  • Example: A narcissistic man might cycle through relationships quickly, unable to maintain connections once his true nature becomes apparent.

13. Constant Need to Be the Center of Attention

Narcissistic males have an overwhelming need to be the center of attention. They often dominate conversations and social situations, seeking to ensure that all eyes are on them.

  • Example: At a social gathering, a narcissistic individual might interrupt others frequently and steer every conversation back to himself.

14. Inability to Accept Responsibility

Taking responsibility for mistakes or wrongdoings is particularly challenging for narcissistic males. They often deflect blame onto others and refuse to acknowledge their own faults.

  • Example: A narcissistic male might blame a failed project on his team members rather than admitting to any mistakes he made.

15. Superficial Charm

Narcissistic males can be incredibly charming and charismatic, especially when they first meet someone. This superficial charm often masks their deeper, more problematic traits, making it hard to recognize their narcissism initially.

  • Example: A narcissistic male might initially appear very attentive and charming to a new partner, only to reveal his true, manipulative nature over time.

Real-World Impact of Male Narcissism

To illustrate the real-world impact of these Narcissist Traits in Males, consider the case study of John, a mid-level manager at a tech company. John had a lot of narcissistic qualities. He was charming and self-assured, frequently winning over new customers and making an impression on superiors.

But his incessant craving for praise caused him to belittle and appropriate credit for the work of others, undermining their achievements. The department saw a high turnover rate due to his deceptive behavior and lack of empathy, which created a toxic work atmosphere.

Addressing Narcissist Traits in Males

Recognizing narcissism in males is the first step toward addressing the problem. Here are some strategies to manage and mitigate the impact of narcissistic traits:

1. Set Firm Boundaries

Establish clear and firm boundaries to protect yourself from manipulative and exploitative behaviors. Communicate your limits and be prepared to enforce them consistently.

2. Seek Support

Engage with support networks, such as friends, family, or support groups, to share experiences and gain perspective. Professional counseling can also provide valuable insights and coping strategies.

3. Focus on Self-Care

Prioritize your well-being by practicing self-care. Engage in activities that promote your physical, emotional, and mental health, and avoid becoming overly consumed by the narcissist’s demands.

4. Limit Interaction

If possible, limit your interaction with the narcissistic individual. Reducing contact can minimize their ability to manipulate and control you.

5. Encourage Professional Help

Encourage the narcissistic male to seek professional help. Therapy can provide tools and techniques to address narcissistic traits and improve interpersonal relationships.

6. Educate Yourself

Learn more about narcissism to better understand the behaviors and motivations of narcissistic individuals. Knowledge can empower you to navigate interactions more effectively.


It can be difficult and emotionally taxing to deal with Narcissist Traits in Males, but you can safeguard your wellbeing by identifying the symptoms and comprehending the characteristics. The effects of narcissistic behavior in your life can be controlled by establishing boundaries, getting help, and emphasizing self-care. Always keep in mind that information is power, and the first step to regaining your equilibrium and serenity is realizing what narcissism is.


Male narcissism / Narcissist Traits in Males / Signs of male narcissism

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